Ssamjang Hummus
Mixed baby of Ssamjang and Hummus. It has deep and rich flavour which is nutty yet tangy. It is the most delicious hummus in the world. You will eat more vegetables with this one.
Mixed baby of Ssamjang and Hummus. It has deep and rich flavour which is nutty yet tangy. It is the most delicious hummus in the world. You will eat more vegetables with this one.
Mixed baby of Ssamjang and Hummus. It has deep and rich flavour which is nutty yet tangy. It is the most delicious hummus in the world. You will eat more vegetables with this one.
Sojabohnenpaste (Wasser, Sojabohnen, Weizenmehl, Salz, Weizen, Koji), Stärkesirup, Weizenmehl, Wasser, Paprika Seasoning (Paprika, Wasser, Zwiebel, Salz, Sesam, Knoblauch), Zucker, Kochreiswein, Zwiebel püriert, Salz, Weizen, Chilipulver, Knoblauch, Shiitake-Extrakt, gerösteter Sesam, Sojabohnenpulver, Sesamöl, Kichererbsen, Trink wasser, Sesampaste, Räpsöl, Brantweinessig, Salz, Knoblauch, Kreuzkümmel, Zitronensäure